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Musicians’ Chat — Adrian Chan x Alex Fung x Schumann Lee

Schumann Lee, Adrian Chan and Alex Fung are veteran musicians of the Hong Kong music scene and they have been composers, arrangers and producers (Alex is also a singer) throughout the years. They have collaborated closely with numerous singers and bands. In the interview, they would share with us the experiences they have come through on their music journeys and also the subtle relationship between music and ‘eating’.

This video includes selected clips from the Cover Story “Musicians’ Chat” for CASHFLOW Issue 86. To read the full text of the interview, click here. For CASHFLOW Issue 86, please click here.

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Musicians’ Chat – Adrian Chan x Alex Fung x Schumann Lee – Part 1 (12’22”)
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Musicians’ Chat – Adrian Chan x Alex Fung x Schumann Lee – Part 2 (23’26”)
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Musicians’ Chat – Adrian Chan x Alex Fung x Schumann Lee – Part 3 (17’35”)