Work Search
Become a Member

Musical Work Search

Easy and paperless environment


Corporate Communications Department of CASH
Tel: +852 2846 3272
Member Information Update Form

The Society is committed to promoting the electronic communication and allowing members to receive newsletters, publications and various information through e-mail for reducing paper consumption and protecting the environment. To encourage more members to support, the Society will donate HK$10 to Friends of the Earth (HK) upon each successful registration of an e-mail for future correspondence by a member who currently receives communications in paper form. Please act immediately, fill in the ‘Future Correspondence Update’ column in the ‘Member Information Update’ form by downloading, and send it to the Society by e-mail on or before 31 October, together with any personal information update required.

In addition, members can now scan this ‘QR code’ to read the latest issue of the CASHFLOW newsletter anytime, anywhere.