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‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ Press Conference Successful

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ press conference was held on 19 October at The Mira Hong Kong. The Society revealed the finalists of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ and presented the ‘2021 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards’. A special honour for the 20th anniversary of the Golden Sail Music Awards – ‘The 20th Golden Sail – Top Writer’ was also announced, in which the Society would like to specially recognise the lyricist Wyman Wong, whose works received the most nominations in this year’s Awards.

The results of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ will be announced online at the end of October. Please stay tuned to our website.

Click here for ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ finalists list (in Chinese).
Click here for the ‘2021 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards’ awards list (in Chinese).