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Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 — Snapshots of the 28/6 Music Work Showcase

Participants from three regions share their original music works in the Showcase. Hong Kong participants are Han Ningze, Leung Yan Ting Tiffany, Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To and Poon King Man Kelvin.


Professional judges are (from L to R) Siu Hak, Loudboy, Mak Chun Hung, Cheung Ka Shing, and Cousin Fung.



The first performance group: The Brave Heroes Alliance

Original song: ‘Yin Wei Ni’

Composer: Ian Hao I

Lyricist: Chen Chao Chao

Arrangement and rap lyric: Han Ningze

Members: (From top to down) Ian Hao I, Chen Chao Chao, and Han Ningze



The second performance group: 4.30AM

Original song: ‘Zhi Xi’

Composer: Chen Qiong, Leung Yan Ting Tiffany, and Wong Hin Cheng

Lyricist: Wong Hin Cheng

Arrangement: Leung Yan Ting Tiffany

Members: (From top to down) Chen Qiong, Wong Hin Cheng, and Leung Yan Ting Tiffany



The third performance group: Introverted (Love) Person

Original song: ‘Ru Guo Wo Shi Ni De Er Ji’

Composer: Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng

Lyricist: Wu Cheng Lon

Arrangement: Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng

Members: (From top to down) Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan To, Sun Yi Cheng, and Wu Cheng Lon



The fourth performance group: Gear L

Original song: ‘Shi Mian Tong Kong’

Composer: Leong Chi Long, Poon King Man Kelvin

Lyricist: Poon King Man Kelvin

Arrangement: Leong Chi Long, Ollie Li

Members: (From top to down) Leong Chi Long, Poon King Man Kelvin and Ollie Li



Jamming and performance sessions

CASH member Chan Cheung Kai performs his original song ‘Ai Zai’.


CASH member Tang Tze Chung performs his original song ‘Ophelia’.


Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung and four tutors Claudia Koh, Mark Tai, Sara Fung and Kenny Wong perform Claudia’s original song ‘my favorite wine’.


The group 4.30AM receives the ‘Best Performance Award’ for their original song ‘Zhi Xi’. The Hertz (R1-5) serves as the award presenter and shares interpretation techniques and insights.


The Group 4.30AM receives the ‘Best Song Award’ for their original song ‘Zhi Xi’ from Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung (R1).


Music Work Showcase is successfully launched. We express our gratitude to all working partners, publishers, members and the public for their support and participation.





Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 — Snapshots of 27/6 Band Workshop and Forum

The activities on the third day of the music camp included a Band Workshop and a Music Copyright and Multi-media Music Creation Forum open to the public. Both the participants and the public actively engaged and interacted with the speakers, gaining valuable insights and experiences from the events.


27/6 Band Workshop

Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung and Tutor Kenny Wong share their band-playing techniques and insights with the participants.


After the sharing session, the participants and the tutors spontaneously form teams and perform together, enjoying the fun of playing in a band.


27/6 Music Copyright and Multi-media Music Creation Forum

Veteran composer Loudboy explains the diversity of musical composition styles.


Senior composer Cheung Ka Shing shares his music composition experiences and explores the process of finding inspiration and cultivating habits.


Renowned composer Mak Chun Hung shares his rich experience in exploring the balance between AI music and traditional composition.


Terence Ng, Area Manager, Public Performance Licensing & Corporate Development (Education) of CASH shares music copyright knowledge and explains the basic concepts of music copyright.


The speakers engage in a dialogue, sharing their musical experiences and answering participants’ questions.

Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 – The activities of the first two days

The Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 has started on Tuesday, June 25th. The activities of the first two days conducted smoothly, and students from the three regions have fully engaged in their creative endeavors.


1. Sharing Session by Music Director Mak Chun Hung

Mak Chun Hung provided students with valuable insights into the complexities of creating song styles and evoking emotions through different forms of music


2. Composition Workshop – Guest Speaker:Cousin Fung

Guest speaker Cousin Fung shared his journey as a composer and urged students to pursue innovation with confidence.


3. Lyric Writing Workshop – Guest Speaker:Siu Hak

Guest speaker Siu Hak, an illustrator and lyricist, shared how he ventured into the creative field through serendipitous opportunities and his perspectives on lyric writing


4. Vocal Technique Workshop – Tutor Mark Tai & Claudia Koh

Tutor Mark Tai & Claudia Koh led the students to the recording studio, where they demonstrated singing techniques and demo recording


5. Busking Gig – Guest Speaker:Phil Lam

Singer Phil Lam provided constructive feedback on the students’ busking performances and suggested improvements based on their interpretations. He also performed his song ‘An Tu Sheng De Cuo.’


6. Song Arrangement Workshop – Guest Speaker:Siu Tung

Guest speaker Siu Tung shared her arrangement techniques with the students, teaching them how to modify the arrangements using different instruments or playing methods. Through continuous learning and experimentation, they were able to enter the “Arrangement Paradise.”


In Memory of Dr Yip Wai Hong

We are deeply saddened by the passing of renowned musician Dr Yip Wai Hong on 16 June 2024. It is a huge loss to both the Society and all musicians in the Hong Kong music scene, as we have lost a highly esteemed musician and educator who devoted himself wholeheartedly to nurturing talent.

In Dr Yip’s music career of over 60 years, he had achieved outstanding success as a music composer and conductor; more importantly, his contributions to the music education scene in Hong Kong were significant, pioneering music education in Hong Kong and nurturing internationally acclaimed musicians.

In the 1970s, Dr Yip established the Department of Music and Fine Arts at Hong Kong Baptist College (the predecessor of the Hong Kong Baptist University) and founded several music groups, including the Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Children’s Choir, the Yip’s Children’s Choir, and the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra. He was hailed as the ‘Father of Children’s Choirs’ in Hong Kong. Over more than 40 years in music education, he cultivated internationally acclaimed local musicians such as Yip Wing Sie, Jimmy Chiang, Perry So, Liu Kwok Man, and Elim Chan. In recognition of his significant contributions to the music industry, the Society awarded him the ‘CASH Hall of Fame Award’ in 2017.

We will always remember Dr Yip’s selfless spirit in dedicating himself to music education and nurturing the next generation. May Dr Yip rest in peace, and we would like to extend our deepest condolences to his family.

In Memory of Dr Yip Wai Hong

Dr Yip Wai Hong shared some words after receiving the ‘CASH Hall of Fame Award’ in 2017.

Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024 – Upcoming Music

Participants from three regions are ready to embark on the music creation journey.

The following events are open to the public. Successful applicant will receive a QR code for entry before the event date. Seats are limited on a first-come, first-served basis.


Venue:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong)

Deadline for enrolment:5pm on 21 June 2024

Click here to apply (only available in Chinese)




Busking Gig


Real-time Practice with Participants

Guest Speaker:Phil Lam

Venue:Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (near to Block M)




Music Copyright  and Multi-media Music Creation Forum

What is Music Copyright?

Experience Sharing among Esteemed Musicians on Composing and Multi-media Music Creation

Guest Speakers:Mak Chun Hung, Loudboy, Cheung Ka Shing

Venue:Room V322, Jockey Club Innovation Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University




Music Work Showcase

Young Musicians Showcase Original Work in Collaboration

Come to Vote for the Best Winning Teams

‘The Hertz’ Comes to Perform and Support

Judging panel:Mak Chun Hung, Loudboy, Cheung Ka Shing, Cousin Fung, Siu Hak

Venue:Chan Sui Kau and Chan Lam Moon Chun Square, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (near to Block M)


Music Work Showcase – Recruiting Jamming Teams!

There will be a jam session in the music work showcase, where CASH members and current students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University are welcome to jam together and share your music. Enrol now!

Deadline for enrolment:5pm on 7 June 2024

(For CASH members and current students of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University only)

Click here to apply (only available in Chinese)

Remark:Seats are limited. Decisions of the Organisers shall be deemed final.

Promotional Video 1

Promotional Video 2


Email:[email protected]

Tel:2846 3272


Download participants’ list (only available in Chinese)

Download Music Director’s profile (only available in Chinese)

Download guest speakers’ profiles (only available in Chinese)

Download tutors’ profiles (only available in Chinese)

CASH Received Again the 20 Years Plus Caring Organisation Logo

This year, the Society received the Caring Organisation Logo for over 20 consecutive years from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of its continued efforts in serving the community.

The Society has always been keen on promoting music creation and music copyright awareness and will continue to put our care of the society into action.


2024 Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp – Final Admission List

‘2024 Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp’ received overwhelming responses from young musicians and applications reflected great enthusiasm. After screenings, a total of 12 participants were shortlisted from three regions to join the 4 days 3 nights music creation camp where experienced musicians from composing, lyricising and arranging will share their experiences and exchange creative ideas with participants.

Selected participants’ list (in no particular order)

  1. Leung Yan Ting Tiffany
  2. Poon King Man Kelvin
  3. To Olivia Cordelia Oi Yan
  4. Han Ningze
  5. Sun Yi Cheng
  6. Chen Qiong
  7. Li Yi Kang
  8. Chen Chao Chao
  9. Wu Cheng Lon
  10. Ian Hao I
  11. Leong Chi Long
  12. Wong Hin Cheng


Participants from three regions are ready for the music creation journey. They will create music and lyrics in teams, and perform their original works in a live showcase on the final day.

Some sessions across few days will be open to the public for participation by online registration. Stay tuned to our coming communications on programme details later.

Download participants’ list

The Screening Committee for Hong Kong participants is comprised of Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung, CASH Director Tomy Wai, and veteran music critics Manfred Wong.

Exchange Activity – Visit from KOMCA

The Society received the representatives of the Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) from Korea in April for a three-day exchange activity, in which the Society exchanged ideas and technology with regard to the field of information system as well as system automation.

KOMCA’s Head of Usage Data Analysis Team, Jeong, Yeon Wook (R2, 2nd row), Head of Copyright Management Bureau, Park, Hong Jun (L3) and Head of Documentation Team, Choi, Seong Gyu (L2) and their colleagues paid visit to the CASH for the exchange activity.

Cyberattack on the CASH’s Computer Systems

Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Ltd. (CASH) confirmed that a ransomware attack against its computer system was identified on Sunday afternoon (21 Apr 2024). The attack impacted some of its computer systems and some data was maliciously encrypted and accessed without authorisation. The Society has taken immediate action to shut down all network systems on the same day and appointed an individual cyber security expert team to commence a thorough investigation. Besides, the Society reported the case to the Hong Kong Police Force on that night (21 Apr 2024) and also proactively notified the Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data of the incident.

The ransomware note claims to have obtained certain internal data records from the Society’s computer system, including members’ and clients’ data. Since the incident, the Society has been working closely with the individual cyber security expert team for in-depth investigation and recovery, and seeking their professional advice to further strengthen the security measures of the systems. The Society has no evidence that any personal information has been misused.

For further updates, the Society will announce immediately via various channels, including its official website and Member Portal Furthermore, the Society will make every effort to urge the possibly affected data subjects to stay vigilant, exercise increased cautions and never open or click on suspicious links, emails or messages to ensure cybersecurity.

CASH strongly condemns the illegal activities of hackers in the cyberworld and will continue to fully support the investigation of the Hong Kong Police Force. The Society expresses its sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused to our members and the public.

In any circumstances, always verify source of suspicious calls, SMS or emails. If in doubt, contact 2846 3268 or email [email protected].

Any member who believes they may be affected can contact Membership Team via email: [email protected].

Media enquiries:

Corporate Communications

Tel:2846 3272 / 9247 6753

Email:[email protected]

Greater Bay Area Youth Music Creation Camp 2024

We believe that every musician possesses their unique voice and creativity. Through this event, we aim to foster young musicians to discover their musical style, showcase their distinct creativity, and connect people with the transcendence power of music beyond geographical boundaries. Meanwhile, we hope to inspire the creativity of the participants in a joyful atmosphere, showcase their talents, collaboratively create the musical wonder of this era!

Date: 25 – 28 June 2024 (Tue to Fri)
Venue: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
Music Camp Director: Mak Chun Hung
Guest speakers: Loudboy, Cousin Fung, Siu Hak, Phil Lam, Siu Tung (in no particular order)
Tutors: Sara Fung, Claudia Koh, Kenny Wong, Mark Tai (in no particular order)
Application deadline: 11.59pm on 8 April 2024
Seats for HK participants: 4 persons

Email:[email protected]

Tel:2846 3272

Participants’ Eligibility

  • Hong Kong applicant must be a Hong Kong resident with a valid Hong Kong Identity Card.
  • Participants must be musicians aged between 18 and 35, and participate on own entity. Four participants (either composer or lyricist) are selected by each region, 12 persons in total.
  • Applicants shall complete the application form and Terms and Conditions, provide their personal profile along with an introduction and audio demo file of their original composition (MP3 or WAV format) for internal screening and grouping reference. During the screening process, participants might be invited for a face-to-face interview.


Screening criteria

  • The Screening Committee comprised of Music Camp Director Mak Chun Hung, CASH Director Tomy Wai, and veteran music critics Manfred Wong. They will review submissions from participants including their personal profile, the creativity and standards of their original compositions and interview performance if appropriate to determine the final list of Hong Kong participants.


Click here to apply (only available in Chinese)


Download Terms and Conditions (only available in Chinese)

Download Music Camp Director’s profile (only available in Chinese)

Download Guest Speakers’ profiles (only available in Chinese)

Download tutors’ profiles (only available in Chinese)

Remark: Seats are limited. Decision of the organisers should be deemed final.

CASH Volunteer Activtiy – Bird Watching X Hand Flute at Nam Sang Wai

In March, CASH held a volunteer activity “Bird Watching X Hand Flute at Nam Sang Wai”, inviting instructors from the Hong Kong Bird Watching Society and the Hong Kong Hand Flute Association to lead a group of over fifty people, including children, parents from the Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service for Young People – Tak Tin, and volunteers from CASH, to visit Nam Sang Wai and experience the joy of bird watching and flute playing outdoors.

On the sunny day, the volunteer team, children, and parents first visited the Nam Sang Wai Fishpond Education Kiosk to learn about bird ecology and observe various migratory birds along the way. Later, they arrived at the Nam Sang Wai large grassland to learn hand flute playing together and enjoy the music jamming performance by hand flute and other musical instruments. Participants even joined in the performance and singing, creating a lively atmosphere. Finally, there was a group game session where everyone enthusiastically participated, making it a joyful and fulfilling day for all!

Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra “The Insect World”

Maestro Doming Lam was dubbed “the father of modern music in Hong Kong”. His works have carved a new vision for composers in the city. In this tribute to the late maestro, the HKCO has selected three works it commissioned and premiered, which embody his creative direction, viz. in his own words, “asserting one’s roots from the past, while breaking new ground through the avant-garde.” These works actively integrate the ensemble of traditional Chinese instruments into modern and symphonic contexts. Wherever his works are performed, they are welcomed by music enthusiasts and admired by younger composers.


Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra “The Insect World”
6/4/2024 (Sat) 8:00pm

Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall

Sponsor: SUPREME 5G
Conductor: 閻惠昌
Piano: JohnnyYim
Shakuhachi: Sun Yongzhi
Recitation by: Ambrose Lung, Berenice Lung, Callum Lung