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‘CASH Best Singer-songwriter Award’ Announced

Jay Fung, Kaho Hung and Jocelyn Chan received Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award respectively of the ‘CASH Best Singer-songwriter Award’ at the RTHK 95th Anniversary Top Ten Chinese Gold Songs Award. The award was co-presented by RTHK and CASH.

Jay Fung

Kaho Hung

Jocelyn Chan


Photo provided by: Radio Television Hong Kong and Warner Music Hong Kong

CASH Received 20 Years Plus Caring Organisation Logo

This year, the Society received the 20 Years Plus Caring Organisation Logo from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in recognition of its continued efforts in serving the community.

The Society has always been keen on promoting music creation and music copyright awareness, and will continue to put our care of the society into action.


In Memory of Doming Lam

CASH records with deep sadness the passing of Doming Lam, the ‘Father of New Music in Hong Kong’ on 11 January, 2023. It is a huge loss to the Society and all musicians in the serious music scene. We have since lost a highly respected all-round musician.

Lam’s works have always pioneered in the music industry, and his peers and younger generations would call him ‘Maestro’. He created works according to the rule of ‘Asserting one’s roots from the past; while breaking new ground through the avant-garde’. He created his first successful masterpiece Thanksgiving to Joe-Kwan, the Kitchen God in 1976, and then created Execution and Insect World in 1978 and 1979 respectively. He was praised as the pioneer of creating symphonic works for Chinese folk instruments, and had also inspired many young composers.

Maestro Lam was the founding director of CASH. He has contributed a lot for the development of the Society and actively strived for the greatest rights and interests of music creators, and made great contributions. In 1999, he was awarded the ‘CASH Hall of Fame Award’ by the Society in recognition of his outstanding achievements in music. He moved to Toronto in the 1990s, but his enthusiasm to continue to create music did not stop. His works String Quartet No.2 (5 Settings) and Re-transformation of Xi-Pi won the ‘Best Serious Composition’ of the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards in 2010 and 2012 respectively. He also received the 2006 and 2016 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards – Local Serious Work with the works Insect World and Moonlight Over the Spring River respectively.

Maestro Lam has supported the Society for many years and often attended the Society’s events. He also often gave advice on the Society’s affairs and was very concerned about the development of the Society. We will always remember Maestro Lam’s great contribution to Hong Kong’s serious music and his selfless spirit in promoting the development of the industry. We would like to express our sincere condolences to Maestro Lam’s family and may he rest in peace.

In Memory of Joseph Koo

It is with deep sadness that we mourn the passing of Joseph Koo (Master Koo), the ‘Godfather of Cantopop’ on 3 January, 2023. It is a huge loss to both the Society and all musicians in the Hong Kong music scene.

Master Koo’s music career has lasted over half a century with countless classic works, and his songs have enjoyed great popularity. Originated by Master Koo, a new Cantopop genre incorporating Chinese tunes into pop songs swept through the entire Chinese society in the 1970s and 1980s and made great contributions to Hong Kong pop music. The theme songs of TV dramas he created are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and everyone is familiar with them, including ‘Ti Xiao Yin Yuan’, ‘Kuang Chao’, ‘Yi Tian Tu Long Ji’, ‘Shi Zi Shan Xia’, ‘Shang Hai Tan’, ‘Liang Wang Yan Shui Li’, ‘Wan Shui Qian Shan Zong Heng’ and many more.

Being a founding member of the Society, Master Koo has contributed a lot to the promotion of music creation and copyright in Hong Kong. In 1997, he was awarded the ‘CASH Hall of Fame Award’ by the Society. Master Koo had also maintained contact with the Society over the years and spared no effort to support the younger generations. In 2009, Master Koo and the Society launched the ‘Joseph Koo New Generation Award’ in recognition of local new generation musicians who made outstanding achievements in the music scene.

Master Koo was friendly and easygoing. Every CASH colleague who had come into contact with him would praise his musical talent and shall never forget his kind attitude towards people. We will always remember Master Koo’s great contribution to the Hong Kong pop music scene, as well as his selfless spirit in supporting the younger generation. May Master Koo rest in peace, and we would like to express our deepest condolences to Master Koo’s family.

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ – Award Winners Highlight

The Society will launch the special series of ‘Award Winners Highlight’ on ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ Facebook page and CASH website starting from today for a consecutive of three weeks, wherein the award winners will share their feelings and the stories behind the works. You are welcome to watch the videos at:

Facebook page:

CASH website:

Besides, you may click here to browse the photo album of the award winners of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’.

‘Music Copyright Online Knowledge Competition’ – Results Announced

The Society announced the results of ‘Music Copyright Online Knowledge Competition’ on the ‘Music Copyright 101’ website: Congratulations to all the winners!

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ – Results Announced

The Society announced the results of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ on ‘CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ Facebook page. You are welcome to watch the video at: Besides, there will be a special series of ‘Award Winners Highlight’ in December. Stay tuned to our Facebook page!

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ Press Conference Successful

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ press conference was held on 19 October at The Mira Hong Kong. The Society revealed the finalists of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ and presented the ‘2021 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards’. A special honour for the 20th anniversary of the Golden Sail Music Awards – ‘The 20th Golden Sail – Top Writer’ was also announced, in which the Society would like to specially recognise the lyricist Wyman Wong, whose works received the most nominations in this year’s Awards.

The results of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ will be announced online at the end of October. Please stay tuned to our website.

Click here for ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ finalists list (in Chinese).
Click here for the ‘2021 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards’ awards list (in Chinese).

Live Broadcast of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ Press Conference

‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ press conference will be held on 19 October (Wed). The Society will reveal the finalists of ‘The 20th CASH Golden Sail Music Awards’ and present the ‘2021 CASH Golden Sail Most Performed Works Awards’. The press conference will commence at 3pm and it will be live broadcast through the official Facebook page of the CASH Golden Sail Music Awards. You are welcome to watch the live broadcast through the link below:

‘Music Copyright 101’ Website Launched

The Society launched the ‘Music Copyright 101’ website in October 2022 which aims to enhance the music copyright knowledge of primary and secondary school students, allowing them to have a clearer concept about music copyright knowledge that are related to their daily life. The website consists of two sections — learning resources and game exercises. This allows students to learn systematically and at the same time consolidate their concepts through game exercises.

Various activities will be launched from time to time to encourage students to have more exposure on music copyright knowledge. The Society just launched the ‘Music Copyright Online Knowledge Competition’ in October: There will be different activities in the future. Stay tuned to the website:

2022 CASH Director Election – Results Announced

CASH Director election was held at the 44th Annual General Meeting on 27 September 2022. There were one vacancy of Writer Director and two vacancies of Publisher Director in the Council. Election results were as follows:

Elected Writer Director

Mr Wai Kai Leung Tomy (R3)

Elected Publisher Directors

Ms Chow Siu Lai Gallery (L4)                 Representative of Warner Chappell Music, Hong Kong Limited

Mr Ho Chi Yan Jonathan (L2)                 Representative of Fujipacific Music (S.E. Asia) Limited

Hong Kong Gold Songs Award Presentation Ceremony 2021/2022 — CASH Singer-songwriter Award

Jay Fung, Phil Lam and Mischa Ip received Gold Award, Silver Award and Bronze Award respectively of the ‘CASH Singer-songwriter Award’ at the Hong Kong Gold Songs Award Presentation Ceremony.

Jay Fung

Phil Lam

Mischa Ip

Photos provided: Media Asia Music Ltd and Sony Music Entertainment (Hong Kong) Ltd